Of course, between buying those things, and now, our world was shaken up and tipped over like a snowglobe. Losing jobs, selling a house, starting a business, and moving have all taken the top priority, and now the dust is starting to settle. I have used the dutch oven, but have just recently gottten around to digging out the skillet.
A few weeks ago Brad said that he wanted something cozy, some comfort food to match the gloomy weather outside. Well, I happen to know one of his all time favorite old school dishes is chicken pot pie. What a perfect opportunity to use my skillet.
I had recently DVR'd an episode of Tyler's Ultimate on the Food Network. The topic of that episode was Chicken Pot Pie. Here is how it worked for me:
Stock ingredients:
-1 whole chicken
-1 gallon cool water
-2 carrots, cut in 2 inch pieces
-2 celery stalks, cut in 2 inch pieces
-1 onion, halved
-1 head of garlic, halved horizontally
-2 turnips, halved (I did not use these as I did not have any on hand)
-2 tbsp dried thyme
-1 tbsp rosemary
-1 bay leaf
Chicken. Good. All right that's a line from the movie The Fifth Element that always makes me laugh. Oh, no one else knows what I'm talking about? ::ahem:: carry on...
Oh who am I fooling, this is just a chance to show off my gorgeous engagement ring! The man has good taste.
Of course I cannot chop carrots without snagging a few for the beasts. Carrots are their favorite.
Chop the carrots and celery into 2 inch pieces.
Half the onion and garlic head horizontally. Like so.

Put the chicken in the stock pot, and cover with the gallon of cool water. Add the veggies and herbs, then bring the pot to a boil.
I also had to add some salt and pepper. Couldn't help myself.
Bring that to a boil. Skim it well, then reduce to a simmer. Cook uncovered for 45 minutes, skimming any oil off that rises to the surface.
This is when, in my recipe, the box in the freezer that I THOUGHT was puff pastry was actually pie crust. Awesome. Well I figure in a pinch, I could use the pie crust instead. But in the end I decided to go with the good old Bisquick biscuit topping.
Once the chicken has cooked for 45 minutes, remove it to a platter to cool. At which point it looks a hot mess, but we will remedy that I promise.
Let the chicken stock continue to cook for another 15-20 minutes. This helps to condense the flavor. You should end up with about eight cups when you are finished, which is why the ingredients specify a gallon of water.
Ahhh Bisquick. You've saved me again. I made a double batch of the recipe on the box for chicken pot pie. Of course, I just made the dough portion of the recipe.
Now strain the chicken broth into another large pot. Discard the solids.
I pick out the cooked carrots, again, for the dogs. They had quite a treat that night for dinner.
Put the chicken in the stock pot, and cover with the gallon of cool water. Add the veggies and herbs, then bring the pot to a boil.
Picked clean.
This is the chicken I will be using for the pie.
And THIS is the chicken that ensures my dog's endless love for me. This is what they got on their kibble for dinner. Their eyes glazed over I swear it.
Then add the flour a little at a time, whisking to form a paste or roux. Whisk until smooth.
Gradually pour in eight cups of the chicken stock. I did it one cup at a time. Whisk the entire time to prevent lumps.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Now, I cannot emphasize this enough, make sure to use plenty of salt! It's not often that you will hear me say that, but in this case it is crucial.
Run your frozen veggies under cool water for 2-3 minutes to thaw them.
Set aside until you have the pie assembled in the skillet.
and edamame or peas.
Stir to combine.
Spoon the mix into the skillet.
Get the bisquick mix, and spread evenly over the filling.
Sprinkle the top with the parmesan cheese, and sprinkle some pepper on as well. Makes it look a little prettier in my humble opinion.
Bake the dish for 30-35 minutes at 400 degrees. You want the top to be nice and brown, like this!
Isn't it pretty?
Nice and ready for it's close up.
I mean my goodness. At this point I heard Brad yell from the livingroom "Are you going to eat it or make out with it?!". Never you mind buddy boy...
Now, no matter how good this smells, how beautiful it looks, or how many men and children you have wailing about their growling bellies, you must let this set for at least 25 minutes. Otherwise you are going to cut into a soupy mess. That would really be a shame considering all the work you just put into it. I won't lie though, it was a test in patience and strength to go about our lives for the whole half hour I let this sit, pretending that it wasn't just right there on the kitchen counter.
-1/4 pound (1 stick) unsalted butter
-1/2 cup all purpose flour
-Salt and pepper
-3 carrots, cut in 1/2 inch circles
-1 onion, chopped (next time I will dice them finely)
-1 box of frozen peas (though I used shelled edamame)
-1 tbsp parsley
-1/4 cup of shredded parmesan
Now wipe out the stock pot, and put it back over medium heat. Melt the butter in the pot.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
While the edamame thawed, I prepared the dough for the top of the pie. This is the recipe, which I doubled:
-1 cup bisquick mix
-1/2 cup milk
- 1 egg
Stir the ingredients together with a fork until smooth.
Stir the ingredients together with a fork until smooth.
After we could take it no longer, I cut into it...
I will tell you, Brad thoroughly enjoyed this dish. Though he did use even more salt at the table. He enjoyed it so much, that this is the chunk that was missing when we were done.
Since I want my relationship with my cast iron to be a very long and successful one, I know that I need to take good care of it. This requires some maintenance after every use. According to the pamphlet that came with this skillet, I was instructed to wash it out with warm water right after using it. A small amount of dish soap in a sink full of hot water is acceptable as well. Then dry it completely. At which point it this is what I have:
Your dogs are so cute!!!
This looks great! I'll give it a try soon! Thanks. :)
i wish you could make a whole cooked chicken the way they did in fifth element! *giggling* at brads comment about you making out with it. i'm just scared of cast iron skillets because when i had one, my bf at the time put it in the oven to season it and it cracked! but the pot pie looks delish! and my dogs would greatly appreciate the carrots and chicken to be added to their bowls.
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