Monday, September 21, 2009

Stuffed figs and prosciutto

Figs stuffed with goat cheese, wrapped in prosciutto.

Ingredients needed:
Figs (I used fresh)
Goat Cheese
Balsamic vinegar Mmmm figs! A couple months ago, I started seeing flats of figs at Costco. I hadn't had figs in a long time, and wanted to try them out. So I waited for the price to go down, and then I had to get them.
A few years ago in Napa, I had a delicious appetizer at a restaraunt called Celadon. It consisted of goat cheese cruted in macadamia nuts, and figs that were poached in port. That appetizer was a dream and I have never forgotten it. I was having a BBQ, and figured it was a great time to re create the dish, in my own way.
I started by slicing the figs in half, like pictured below. I covered a baking sheet with aluminum, and sprayed it with non stick cooking spray. This all makes clean up a snap. Just how I like it.

How much of each ingredient you would need, depends on how many people will be eating. This was so simple. I just sliced pieces of the goat cheese, and rolled each slice into a little ball. I then pushed each ball into a half of a fig. Once that was done I took a long strip of prosciutto, and wrapped that around each stuffed fig half.

I pre made these in the morning, and at this stage I wrapped the whole sheet with plastic wrap, and put it in the fridge for a few hours.

Once my guests started to arrive, I took the figs out of the fridge, and pre-heated my oven to 400 degrees. I roasted them for 10-12 minutes, until the prosciutto started to get nice and crisp. I moved them to a serving platter, and drizzled them lightly with balsamic vinegar. Then I had to snap a quick picture before they vanished off the plate! These were definitely a hit, and really easy to prepare.

1 comment:

Laura said...

omg i want! i've only ever had figs once, at some fancy expensive steak restaurant in new york. they were so good. i keep forgetting to look for figs in the grocery store, i'm not sure i've ever seen them.